The great 1

CRank: 0Score: 10430

You said it totally how it is and totally how it's gonna be, the first person to tell the truth about Killzone a solid shooter but not a Halo killer, but Halo ain't that good anyway.

6257d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well your sitting fantasising about this footage i will be showing my gf sexy time while playing my PS3 haha!

6258d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

So basically what you are saying Jenzo even if this were to be the greatest game that the world had ever seen and totally demolished everything on your PC and Xbox 360 we shouldn't buy or play the game because it didin't quite match up to the E3 2005 trailer, you jealous Xbox fanboys really need to get over it!

6258d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

He's pro MS and proably works for them.

6290d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

He also looks like a nerd, sorry it had to be said.


6290d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Sony= not for sale, what is it with all these people thinking MS can buy out everyone, no they can't so they have sh*t loads of cash so what, that doesn't mean they can buy everone out, you are obviously blinded by what you believe, Sony is a far better games company than MS, Ms is just trying to put there grubby big fat stubby greedy hands where they don't belong and there gonna get there as* handed to them. Halo is the most overated franchise ever, followed by games such as the sims, the aw...

6291d ago 0 agree3 disagreeView comment

This game looks sweet, the next gen took a year to really take off, but finially were starting to see interesting games such as this one.

6291d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I thought Marty post where he tried to tell us Burnout Dominator would be better due to a G force steering wheel most people would never touch lol, but this is completely twisting facts, fact you do care which format wins, fact you are a 360 fanboy, fact in order to look respected on this site you occassionally praise Sony just so you can rain on in your hate campainge against Sony, fact how can HD-DVD ever catch up if Blu-Ray is beating it down 3-1 and the gap is getting bigger all the time;...

6291d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I didin't even read this article, but i want all the 360 fanboys to know, your all geeks and need to get a life.

6291d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

PS3 is awesome, i'm impressed with what it has done so far, it's got better games comming out much faster than the 360 ever managed, oh yea and the best of the 360 year 1, we have most of there best games hiting the PS3, the horrible Saints Row and the good looking Oblivion, there's ur best of Xbox 360 year 1, wasen't Gears technically year 2, yea a thought so.

6291d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

If anybody actually has the time to notice the difference then they obviously some nerd who ain't got nothign better to do than act like a jerk, by posting crap on the net, if you Xbox fanboys are so big why not campaign in front of your local gamestop or EB games and see what reaction you get, haha thought so all talk and no action, i'm PS3 fanboy 4 life, go PS3 u rule!

6291d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

Whoever he is he must be desperate for Sony to be dethrowned, ain't gonna happen, all my local stores here in the UK are sold out of PS3 pre-orders, take into consideration it's also March, not December people may not be as willing right now to fork out £425, however i see that as being very cheap for a great product, unlike the overpriced, overhyped Xbox 360.

6291d ago 0 agree1 disagreeView comment

This and Lair will make MS sh*t is already dampened underwear and quite possibly cause Peter Moore to get the sack hehehaha.

6293d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Losers, losers, now you wont have movies or games to play on your console in the future hahahahahahahah.

6293d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

It says to me you people don't like this game as much as it was hyped up to be, basically it looks graphically good, but i bet it's quite sh*t in alot of your minds, but yous won't actually admitt to that seens as yous are all such fanboys, who love to suck on Peter Moore and Bill Gates, Livleyhood lol hahahahahhaha.

6293d ago 0 agree4 disagreeView comment

The release of the new gundam in Japan was proof that people will pay money for PS3 and last time i checked, Motorstorm, VF 5, F1 had just been released more reasons to buy PS3. Sony can mess Japan about all it wants in the end they will never buy the Xbox 360 and the wii is sure to be outdated in the near future, if not already; so then the question arises, we want next gen, so it can only be PS3 for Japan and i think one way or another japan is a done deal.

6293d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

If this was the Xbox console i'm sure we would have heard 100 more stories like this because it's more there style to try fuk there console considering they love it so much haha, this story is funny haha.

6293d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

mobile gamming sucks and with the release of the next gen consoles why shell out £5 on a game when you could buy games on your next gen console.

6298d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

Well i was away from this site i found more interesting things to do other than play games! Get it stupid!

6298d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

But i think i'm the first, this game looks awesome and it's in 1080p, yeah!

6298d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment